President Barack Obama’s Favorite Song Of 2015 Is By Kendrick Lamar

The First Lady says her favorite song is “Uptown Funk.”

President Barack Obama's Favorite Song Of 2015 Is By Kendrick Lamar

President Barack Obama named Kendrick Lamar’s “How Much a Dollar Cost” from To Pimp a Butterfly as his favorite song of 2015 in an interview with People.

First lady Michelle Obama chose Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” as her cut of the year.

The president’s favorite book and movie are Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff and The Martian starring Matt Damon, respectively. His wife’s selections are Elizabeth Alexander’s memoir, The Light of the World, and the animated film Inside Out.

President Obama has received support from Kanye West, Jay Z, Beyonce and others during his time in office.

by: EraGH

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